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Battering ram
Release Date:
- Hårdrock & AOR
Vinyl LP + Download
Beställningsvara Obekräftad leveranstid
180 gram vinyl. Legendary British heavy metal quintet's 21st studio album boasts a clinically 'heavy' echo of their glorious NWOBHM sound, who never dealt in half-truths or incomplete missions. With previous album Sacrifice they filled your heads with heavy metal thunder, and now Saxon want nothing...
Battering ram Vinyl LP + Download
180 gram vinyl.<br/><br/>Legendary British heavy metal quintet's 21st studio album boasts a clinically 'heavy' echo of their glorious NWOBHM sound, who never dealt in half-truths or incomplete missions. With previous album Sacrifice they filled your heads with heavy metal thunder, and now Saxon want nothing more than to crush them with their very own, hand-crafted, not-safe-for-children brand new album, Battering Ram. Not. A. Problem. <br/><br/>With Biff Byford singing as well as he ever has, Paul Quinn and Doug Scarratt making full use of the term 'shredding' with their guitars and the lock-steady rhythm of Nibbs Carter's bass and Nigel Glockler's drums, the future and the past crash together in an ear-scintillatingly engaging, raucous, melodic-yet-classically heavy ten songs collection which will instantly be hailed as a Saxon classic. The title track, with its delectable twin guitar assault heralding the album's commencement, gives the listener an instant crack around the chops, whilst traditionalists will be delighted to hear such a perfect marriage of old, classic Saxon with the newer, fresher invective in such riff-fronted fare as "Destroyer" and "Stand Your Ground", but there are still moments of space and exploration which fans will love. <br/><br/>"This one's a natural progression from Sacrifice," says Byford, "There's a bit less rock'n'roll and a bit more 'heavy' on it. We wanted to keep focused on a style rather than moving around too much."<br/><br/>Produced by Andy Sneap (Megadeth, Testament, Exodus Accept) at his Backstage Recording Studios in rural Derbyshire, Saxon were able to hone in and whittle down any excess, finding the sonic space and balance to let Battering Ram's riffs and melodies get the necessary space to scream front and centre.

Divide (Deluxe)
Release Date:
- Pop
- Rock & Punk
2 Vinyl LP + Download
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
180 gram vinyl. 45 RPM. ÷ ("Divide") är Ed Sheerans tredje studioalbum och väntas bli ett utav 2017 års största albumsläpp då vi kommer få uppleva 25 åringen i sin bästa musikaliska form någonsin. Plattan är ett resultat av en artist som ständigt pushar sig själv att utforska nya musikaliska banor,...
Divide (Deluxe) 2 Vinyl LP + Download
180 gram vinyl. 45 RPM.<br/><br/>÷ ("Divide") är Ed Sheerans tredje studioalbum och väntas bli ett utav 2017 års största albumsläpp då vi kommer få uppleva 25 åringen i sin bästa musikaliska form någonsin. Plattan är ett resultat av en artist som ständigt pushar sig själv att utforska nya musikaliska banor, världar och vokabulär. Inspirationen är hämtad från många av Ed's personliga erfarenheter och ämnen, vilket bjuder in oss till en mycket personligt albumresa.<br/><br/>Musikaliskt är "÷" en blandning av ballader, rapverser över hip hop beats, tidlösa aukustiska mästerverk och innovativ popmusik. "÷" kommer avslöja allt från Ed's imponerande gitarrspelande, fantastiska låtskrivartalang, ohämmade musikaliska palett och fängslande, ärliga, berättelser. Detta är dock endast en bråkdel av anledningarna till vad som gör Ed till den älskade artist som han är idag. "÷" bevisar att Ed är en av de mest nytänkande, moderna, kreativa och mångsidiga trubadurer i musikvälden - han har även själv skapat albumkonceptet och målat konvolutet!

Deep Purple
Release Date:
- Hårdrock & AOR
Vinyl LP + Download
Finns i lager Leveranstid: från 1 vardag
180 gram vinyl.
Deep Purple Vinyl LP + Download
180 gram vinyl.

Hunting high and low (Reissue)
Release Date:
- Pop
- Rock & Punk
Vinyl LP + Download
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
180 gram vinyl.
Hunting high and low (Reissue) Vinyl LP + Download
180 gram vinyl.

Release Date:
- Hip hop & Rap
2 Vinyl LP + Download
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 5 vardagar
Atmosphere: Whenever [Gatefold / 2 Vinyl LP + Download]
Whenever 2 Vinyl LP + Download
Atmosphere: Whenever [Gatefold / 2 Vinyl LP + Download]

Release Date:
- Pop
- Rock & Punk
2 Vinyl LP + Download
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
Twenty One Pilots: Trench [Gatefold / 2 Vinyl LP + Download]
Trench 2 Vinyl LP + Download
Twenty One Pilots: Trench [Gatefold / 2 Vinyl LP + Download]

American utopia
Release Date:
- Pop
- Rock & Punk
Vinyl LP + Download
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
This is David's first solo studio album since his Nonesuch debut in 2004, Grown Backwards The new album started with longtime collaborator Brian Eno, and later David was joined by producer Rodaidh McDonald (The xx, King Krule, Sampha, Savages) plus additional contributors like Daniel Lopatin (AKA O...
American utopia Vinyl LP + Download
This is David's first solo studio album since his Nonesuch debut in 2004, Grown Backwards<br/>The new album started with longtime collaborator Brian Eno, and later David was joined by producer Rodaidh McDonald (The xx, King Krule, Sampha, Savages) plus additional contributors like Daniel Lopatin (AKA Oneohtrix Point Never), Jam City, Thomas Bartlett, Jack Peñate, Sampha and many more. <br/><br/>David says: <br/>"These songs don't describe this imaginary and possibly impossible place, but rather they attempt to describe the world we live in now - and that world, when we look at it, as we live in it, as it impacts on us - immediately commands us to ask ourselves, Is there another way? A better way? A different way? This group of songs is indirectly about those questions. And what drives us to ask those questions. The songs are sincere - to answer the question above, the title is not ironic. The title is not so much about a utopia, as it is about our longing, frustration, aspirations, fears, hopes regarding what could be, what is possible. How and what could we be. Surely, we ask ourselves, it doesn't have to be like this. There is a longing for possibility - and I have a feeling that is what these songs touch on. I am as mystified as any of us - I have no prescriptions or sure fire answers - but I sense that I am not the only one asking, wondering and still willing to hold on to some tiny bit of hope, still willing to not succumb entirely to despair or cynicism. It's not easy, but music helps."
Utvalt - WMS
Atmosphere: Whenever [Gatefold / 2 Vinyl LP + Download]
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